Active Bodies

We demand a lot from our bodies. To make sure their movements are as efficient as possible athletes receive regular, sometimes daily bodywork. How much do you exercise and at what intensity? Do you get a proportional amount of maintenance for how hard you push? There are downsides to too little or too much exercise and depending on your imbalances, certain exercises should be avoided altogether. I can help you find you blind-spots and give you tools to use for self-care between sessions.

Without adequate maintenance our bodies will develop compensation patterns, often creating stiff joints, muscle pain and postural mis-alignment. During sessions, I use movement and muscle testing techniques to understand how the body is compensating and how to best address the needs of each client. I break up the fascia using deep tissue techniques, restoring range of motion and improving overall performance to muscles and joints.

Subtle Bodies

We have a physical body and a subtle body that are both separate and intertwined. When emotional trauma occurs it is stored in the subtle body until acknowledged and released. Stop and take a breath. Check into your body. Do you feel any sensations? Fear, anxiety, heat, numbness, an ache or energetically dense areas?

These imprints could be from large traumas like a car crash, a divorce, past abuse or from something much smaller like an argument at home or work. Unwinding impactful experiences is a layered process, allowing the feelings to be felt progressively and accessed in manageable amounts at a time.

I use gentle and relaxing techniques like reiki, cranial sacral and homeopathy of the spine to help release constricted energy and areas of holding. Clients usually experience a deep relaxation however, memories or sensations can arise from the original trauma. It’s best to notice them with curiosity and allow them to pass which allows the nervous system to settle into homeostasis. The body has a lovely way of letting go when provided the opportunity.

Don’t think of the end-goal. Think of right now.

Ask your pain, “What do you need right now?” Does it need rest? I can help you find calm when you hurt.

If you take steps to heal yourself, it will get better. It will take time, but you will get better if you are committed to your healing process.  That means taking time to listen to your pain instead of pushing past it.

Then come those days when you are feeling better and push yourself again to injury or fatigue. Each time you have the choice of listening or ignoring. Ultimately, you must accept your limits of the moment. I know this can be frustrating and maddening but rehabilitation starts slowly from where you are RIGHT NOW. From each current moment you can build a solid foundation towards future strength and stability.

Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel and I can help find that glimmer.

Journey Out of Pain

Knowing where to start is sometimes the most difficult step. There will be a lot of unanswered questions:

Why do I hurt so much?

What caused this condition?

What is the path to recovery?

How long will it take?

Is exercise good for me and in what quantity or intensity?

How often do I stretch and which stretches will help?

We can discuss these and further questions during our first session.

All pain is different but chronic pain is often multi-layered and can take some time to understand the factors at play. What is most important is that you are taking steps to find-out what your body needs.
